Crystal Prescription

*This is just a sliver of information.

I always suggest to do a quick web search to inquire more information.

If you do not see the crystal you are looking for feel free to reach out to*

Agate (Moss) - ​Stability, persistence, grounding. Encourages peaceful temperament, lessens mood swings, helps one find higher self/ purpose.

Amethyst​ - Protection, purification, divine connection. Helps overcome bad habits/addictions, facilitates conscious connection with spirit guides. Aids in restful night sleep.

Ametrine​ - Mental/spiritual clarity, decisiveness. Aids in overcoming fear/insecurities. Stimulates the digestive system. Facilitates acting on inner guidance.

Angel Aura Quartz ​- Upliftment, peace, serenity, expanded awareness. Aids in releasing stress, purifies and uplifts the emotional body, facilitates in reaching deeper states during meditation & connects with Angels.

Apatite (Green) -​ Knowledge of the heart, relaxation, revitalization. Aids in overall healing, supports health of the emotional body, generosity & optimism. Facilitates prosperity consciousness, abundance of health and happiness.

Apache Tear - ​Removal of grief and emotional distress. Cleanses the aura and protects one from picking up negative energy.

Aventurine (Green) -​ Vitality, growth, confidence. Inspires optimism, self-confidence, and peace. Brings good fortune & blessings, manifestation and prosperity.

Aventurine (Blue) - ​Self-discipline, inner strength. Supports hormonal balance, aids in achieving emotional maturity, enhances psychic capacities.

Black Banded Agate​ - Self control, grounding, soothing. Helps with anxiety, resilience and peace. Centers your root chakra connecting you to your roots and survival instincts.

Clear Quartz -​ Programmable, manifest, cleansing, healing & clearing.

Carnelian -​ Courage, vitality, sexuality, confidence, action. Increases one's courage and enthusiasm, allows one to find inner courage.

Celestite ​- Angelic communication, access to higher dimensions. Helps one dispel fear and paranoia. Enhances inner vision and intuition.

Chalcopyrite - ​Connections to realms, protection, confidence. Helps with fears of failure. Detoxifying stone – shields pain from lengthy medical treatments.

Chrysocolla -​ Communication, goddess energies, gentleness. Aids in calming, release of stress and anxiety. Facilitates inner wisdom, linking with the earth’s awareness.

Citrine -​ Manifestation, personal will, creativity, mental clarity. Supports a healthy digestive system & weight loss. Stimulates playfulness, decisiveness in difficult situations, and positive vibrations.

Fluorite -​ Mental clarity, decision making, clears energy fields. Aids in dispelling confusion, dishonesty & anxiety.

Green Aura Quartz​ - Intentions, desire, purify. Facilitates communication and connection with higher realms. Working with your heart Chakra, it represents hope.

Herkimer Quartz Diamond -​ Dreams, visions, purification. Supports general health, aids in clearing the emotional body and removes negative attachments.

Hematite -​ Grounding, protection, manifestation. Protection from toxic energies, encourages a sense of self, aids in self-forgiveness, helps one believe in dreams.

Jade -​ Health, abundance, happiness. Supports the emotional body in opening up to joy, encourages one to live a happy life without becoming too attached to the material world.

Red Jasper -​ Physical strength, vitality, stabilizes energy. Useful in generating muscle tissue, great during recovery. Aids in releasing attachment to negative emotional or sexual experiences.

Mook Jasper - ​Earth healer, connection to nature, joy in life. Aids in overcoming a loss or sadness, encourages new hope & energy.

Unakite Jasper ​- Healing, balance, release of bad habits. Assists one in truly releasing negative emotions, raises one's vibration. Assists one in letting go of habitual thought patterns.

Jet -​ Protection, purification, grounding. Clears the negative field of negative emotional attachments, assists one in letting go of what no longer suits them. Provides spiritual protection, and heals energy leaks in one's aura.

Kunzite ​ - Divine love, emotional healing, activation of the hearts knowing. Aids one in becoming receptive to love and energy. Eases stress and supports the nervous system.

Kyanite (Bue) -​ Empathy, psychic abilities, communication. Supports healing of neurological problems, stimulates the third eye. 

Labradorite - ​Protection, Strengthening relationships with friends, family and lovers. Promotes higher awareness. Great for restless sleeping patterns.

Lapis Lazuli -​ Inner vision, truthful communication, Goddess energy. Stimulates the desire to learn, promotes self awareness. Wild feminine energy.

Malachite -​ Protection, Happiness, Healed heart, Creativity. Protection from negative energies. Builds confidence and leadership skills. Helps maintain emotional balance.

Moonstone -​ Intuition, Inner peace, dreams. Inspires self-appreciation, joy. Helps overcome fatigue from depression.

Obsidian Snowflake -​ Spiritual guidance, insight, perseverance. Inspires belief in oneself, supports spiritual healing of cancer,encourages receptivity to heal.

Pyrite -​  Creativity, willpower, confidence. Aids in fighting off infection, banishes negativity, encourages one to face their fears. And helps with easing a scattered brain.

Rose Quartz -​ Love, Gentleness, Emotional Healing, releasing of stress. Stimulates love for oneself, family friends, lover & universe. Helps the heart to heal and reawakens trust. Spreads forgiveness.

Rose Aura Quartz -​ self-love, confidence, self-esteem. Promotes self-healing and self-love after unfortunate relations. Great for teen pregnancies.

Smoky Quartz -​ Grounding, manifestation, organization. Offers protection from negative energies. Brings one's most potent dreams into physical reality.

Sodalite -​ Subconscious, intuitive abilities. Helps one understand the emotional issues they face. Raises one's awareness. Enhances insight and mental performance.

Sunstone -​ Leadership, strength, abundance of blessings. Warms the body/increases metabolism & digestion. Encourages a positive attitude & helps overcome self-doubt.

Tektite - ​Telepathic connections, raises one's vibrational and conscious level. Cosmic energies.

Tigers Eye -​ Courage, strength, protection, promotes high self esteem and facilitates mental clarity & creativity.

Tourmaline (Black) -​ Purification, protection. Helps dispel worry, judgment, fear & anger. Aids with grounding and cleansing the energy field. Removes toxins from the physical body.

Tourmalinated Quartz -​ Purification, recovery from negative influences. Purifies one's environment & cleanses the body of negative energy. Helps one overcome self-destructive emotional patterns. Protects your aura and body.

Turquoise -​ Wholeness, communication, spiritual expansion. Increases life force in the body. Encourages forgiveness and the release of useless regrets. Encourages one to act out of compassion and forgiveness.